Yoshiks: 大荒れなので帰る It's so rough, we go back
Yoshiks: 海をみにいく Going to see the sea
Yoshiks: 海を見に行く Going to see the sea
Yoshiks: the day after heavy snow
Yoshiks: さよならおばあちゃん Farewell, My Grandma
Yoshiks: 祖母の葬式 At Funeral of Grandma
Yoshiks: SDIM1006 仲は良い、寝相は悪い Close but Untidy
Yoshiks: Eyeglasses
Yoshiks: Return to the park
Yoshiks: Haru
Yoshiks: Playing 3DS
Yoshiks: Watching 3DS
Yoshiks: Sara
Yoshiks: Kids can change everything to thier playground
Yoshiks: My Son
Yoshiks: Hidden
Yoshiks: Looking for carps
Yoshiks: Ueno Park
Yoshiks: "Spiderweb Park"
Yoshiks: Daughter, Playing
Yoshiks: 富くじにて
Yoshiks: こどもなのにおっさんのかお
Yoshiks: Contemporary Yukata
Yoshiks: Children reading weekly comic mag
Yoshiks: 夏の雪
Yoshiks: 髪を拭く
Yoshiks: 寒い
Yoshiks: Cannot join, just watching
Yoshiks: "Where do I go..."
Yoshiks: Chairs