yoshiko314: black olives 2--please tell me!!
yoshiko314: black olives 1--please tell me!!
yoshiko314: one of my favorite fruits***
yoshiko314: Yes! Strawberry is the Princess of the spring fruits!
yoshiko314: 十人十色 several men, several minds
yoshiko314: curling curling curling
yoshiko314: V as.....
yoshiko314: string beans
yoshiko314: loquats
yoshiko314: figs イチジク
yoshiko314: figs 2
yoshiko314: Triplets
yoshiko314: petit* petit* petit*
yoshiko314: Happy Gathering♪
yoshiko314: Black Duo
yoshiko314: somewhat lonely feeling
yoshiko314: Harvest
yoshiko314: Trundle
yoshiko314: Red Jewels
yoshiko314: Mushroomful
yoshiko314: Standing, Stepping & Dancing
yoshiko314: Today I did it!
yoshiko314: Need a Glass of Beer???
yoshiko314: Dance*Peas*Dance
yoshiko314: Rolling
yoshiko314: This Side or That Side???
yoshiko314: A Bowlful of Plum!
yoshiko314: Strawberry Morning
yoshiko314: Red on Pink
yoshiko314: d 2 6 ∫ J