Yoshi_4343: (・ェ・)
Yoshi_4343: Boy(Sea otter)
Yoshi_4343: girl ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥
Yoshi_4343: drawing dogs
Yoshi_4343: Bear and crow
Yoshi_4343: Dog and goldfish
Yoshi_4343: face to face
Yoshi_4343: thinking  今日のスケッチ
Yoshi_4343: The Wonder House (étude)
Yoshi_4343: Afternoon
Yoshi_4343: A black bird.
Yoshi_4343: Captain Crab
Yoshi_4343: Approach
Yoshi_4343: ....well, well, well
Yoshi_4343: No hurry, No worry
Yoshi_4343: Follow me.
Yoshi_4343: my father