York Theatre Royal: York Mystery Plays 2012 launch
York Theatre Royal: York Mystery Plays 2012 launch
York Theatre Royal: Medieval band greet the guests
York Theatre Royal: Medieval band greet the guests
York Theatre Royal: Andrew Morrison, Head Curator at York Musuesms Trust
York Theatre Royal: Mike Kenny, Adapter of York Mystery Plays 2012
York Theatre Royal: York Mystery Plays 2012 launch
York Theatre Royal: Andrew Morrison, Head Curator at York Museums Trust
York Theatre Royal: Mike Kenny, adaptor of York Mystery Plays 2012
York Theatre Royal: Liam Evans-Ford, Community Producer, York Mystery Plays 2012
York Theatre Royal: Ben Pugh, Project Manager, York Mystery Plays 2012
York Theatre Royal: Mike Kenny talking to BBC Radio York
York Theatre Royal: Prof Dianne Wilcocks, adaptor Mike Kenny, co-director Paul Burbridge & communty cast member