YorkRegionGovt: 1970 Inaugural meeting of York Regional Council
YorkRegionGovt: 1970 Inaugural meeting of York Regional Council
YorkRegionGovt: 1970 First members of York Regional Council (1970-1972)
YorkRegionGovt: 1970 York Region's first Chairman Garfield Wright (1970-1978)
YorkRegionGovt: 1971 Land use map of York Region
YorkRegionGovt: 1971 York Region's first Chief Administrative Officer A. J. (Jack) Rettie (1970-1984)
YorkRegionGovt: 1971 Creation of York Regional Police
YorkRegionGovt: 1973 York Region publishes its first annual report
YorkRegionGovt: 1973 Largest water tower in York Region in the Town of Vaughan
YorkRegionGovt: 1974 Computer Service Centre is operational at the Administrative Building
YorkRegionGovt: 1974 York Region celebrates York Regional Forest's 50th anniversary
YorkRegionGovt: 1974 York Region Daycare Centres
YorkRegionGovt: 1975 Inaugural meeting of York Regional Council held at the Administrative Building
YorkRegionGovt: 1975 Map drafting in the Planning Department
YorkRegionGovt: 1975 Opening of the new addition to York County Hospital in the Town of Newmarket
YorkRegionGovt: 1975 Public Health nurse assessing a child's development
YorkRegionGovt: 1975 The Regionews York Region's first staff newspaper
YorkRegionGovt: 1975 York Region works towards providing water and sewage services for the southern municipalities
YorkRegionGovt: 1975 York Region's Dental Care program
YorkRegionGovt: 1976 Completed Bayview Avenue Bridge in the Town of Markham
YorkRegionGovt: 1976 York Region's new logo
YorkRegionGovt: 1977 Construction on Highway 404 South of Highway 7 in the Town of Markham
YorkRegionGovt: 1977 Family and Children's Services Headquarters opens in the Town of Newmarket
YorkRegionGovt: 1977 York Region provides better protection and access to records
YorkRegionGovt: 1978 York Region invests in technology
YorkRegionGovt: 1978 York Regional Council elects Bob Forhan as Regional Chair (1978-1984)
YorkRegionGovt: 1978 York Region's Nutrition program