The Johann Espiritu™: Elian and Marga
The Johann Espiritu™: Elian - Christmas 2009
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas and Elian - Christmas 2009
The Johann Espiritu™: Spiderman vs. Sandman
The Johann Espiritu™: The Hooded Avenger
The Johann Espiritu™: Rambo, Part II
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas and the Morning Light
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas is a funny kid.
The Johann Espiritu™: Elian's Faces
The Johann Espiritu™: Bowling Night!
The Johann Espiritu™: Bowling Night!
The Johann Espiritu™: Bowling Night!
The Johann Espiritu™: Elian turns three months old.
The Johann Espiritu™: Elian - Six Months
The Johann Espiritu™: Elian (in a Dr. Evil pose!)
The Johann Espiritu™: Smile, Elian!
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas - July 2010
The Johann Espiritu™: Elian and Rocio
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas, Bike Training in his Pajamas.