The Johann Espiritu™: 34 - After * Before
The Johann Espiritu™: At the hospital...
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas Manuel Espiritu
The Johann Espiritu™: Big Sister...
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas - 4 Days Old
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas at Three Weeks
The Johann Espiritu™: More milk, please!
The Johann Espiritu™: Marga and Lucas
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas and Nic
The Johann Espiritu™: Just Before the Baptism
The Johann Espiritu™: With Ninongs and Ninangs...
The Johann Espiritu™: Lucas' Baptism Cake
The Johann Espiritu™: Baptism Chocolate
The Johann Espiritu™: With Lolos and Lola (and Tita Cynthia)
The Johann Espiritu™: Mich and Marga...
The Johann Espiritu™: At the Doctor's Office
The Johann Espiritu™: Rocio tells Lucas a joke...
The Johann Espiritu™: ...and he gets it. =)