yooperann: Miss Millenium Park
yooperann: Miss South Loop
yooperann: Pink beehive
yooperann: Passing in the hall
yooperann: Monika Ekks
yooperann: From the Chase Plaza
yooperann: Chagall above, hot dogs below
yooperann: Jump Rope
yooperann: Redmoon everywhere
yooperann: Hanging out the lettuce to dry
yooperann: MCA resident artists in Macy's windows
yooperann: MCA Resident Artist Denenge Akpem
yooperann: Revelers
yooperann: Redmoon everywhere
yooperann: Chicago theater welcome
yooperann: Mourning needlework
yooperann: Fruit at the Art Institute
yooperann: Art Institute North Garden
yooperann: Henry Moore and Looptopia poster
yooperann: Still more Redmoon
yooperann: Street musicians
yooperann: Video installation
yooperann: Chicago's finest
yooperann: The end
yooperann: Rasheed selling the famous Baylor's Watermelons