yooper1949: Lorelei Lane, Isle Royale National Park
yooper1949: Mott Is. shore
yooper1949: Wolf tracks along Malone Bay
yooper1949: Belle Isle Harbor, Isle Royale National Park
yooper1949: kayak in Herring Bay
yooper1949: kayaking Lorelei Lane
yooper1949: kayak with cloud reflections
yooper1949: fall storm off Amygdaloid Is.
yooper1949: kayaking Lorelei Lane
yooper1949: Eckhoffs in Lorelei Lane
yooper1949: Herring Bay sun set
yooper1949: fall storm off Amygdaloid Is.
yooper1949: Portage Canal Lift Bridge, Houghton MI
yooper1949: Herring Bay cresent moon
yooper1949: Little Herring Bay log pile
yooper1949: "Voyager" passing the keyhole
yooper1949: A Canadian Wonder, from the U.S. side.
yooper1949: sunset off Amygdaloid Is.
yooper1949: Boat leaving Todd Harbor
yooper1949: sunset off Amygdaloid Is.
yooper1949: Northern lights over Amygdaloid Island Ranger Station
yooper1949: View from Mt. Franklin
yooper1949: Locke Pt. cliffs
yooper1949: Christmas in July
yooper1949: Herring Bay
yooper1949: Lorelie Lane reef
yooper1949: Dasler Cabin
yooper1949: Amygdaloid Ridge
yooper1949: Passage Island Lighthouse with freighter