Yong Pong: What the hay!
Yong Pong: I'm a scarecrow!
Yong Pong: That's right, my face is a pumpkin!
Yong Pong: Preparing for the imminent skeleton invasion
Yong Pong: Gimme some sugar
Yong Pong: Who are those wierdos that got into our picture?
Yong Pong: Flower inspector
Yong Pong: Distracted
Yong Pong: No dad, stop taking pictures!
Yong Pong: Cheese!
Yong Pong: Sharing a moment, where Kai farted.
Yong Pong: Poopie diaper?
Yong Pong: Let's go, mom
Yong Pong: Any bugs in here?
Yong Pong: I'm gonna git'choo
Yong Pong: You take that, hay!
Yong Pong: So.. many...pumpkins...
Yong Pong: Yes, a pumpkin stem
Yong Pong: I bet I could drink out of this...
Yong Pong: This isn't a pumpkin!
Yong Pong: What?!
Yong Pong: Maybe that other pumpkin is better
Yong Pong: I got one!
Yong Pong: Gotta brush that dirt off!
Yong Pong: Waiting for the Great Pumpkin
Yong Pong: Waiting for the Great Pumpkin
Yong Pong: Waiting for the Great Pumpkin
Yong Pong: I'm lookin' at you!
Yong Pong: Happy family