Yong Pong: look! a record! cake!
Yong Pong: look! a record! cake!
Yong Pong: look! a record! cake!
Yong Pong: This must have taken forever to decorate
Yong Pong: Taking some pics of the sweet cake.
Yong Pong: Camera is over here, Dave
Yong Pong: Look, you've got a pot. Belly.
Yong Pong: What's going on here?
Yong Pong: Watch it, bub
Yong Pong: Pensive?
Yong Pong: Someone here farted, and I think it was me
Yong Pong: You smell like dog.
Yong Pong: Give a dog a bone
Yong Pong: He huffed, and puffed...
Yong Pong: He huffed, and puffed...
Yong Pong: Thank goodness that's over!
Yong Pong: Mike looks like he wants to kick my ass...
Yong Pong: I have no legs!
Yong Pong: Group Shot
Yong Pong: Group Shot