Yong Pong: This is the hand that bleeds.
Yong Pong: It wasn't me!
Yong Pong: Soooooooo excited for Christmas!
Yong Pong: you open the first one. no, YOU open the first one.
Yong Pong: Ducks-R-Us
Yong Pong: Look! Baby clothes!
Yong Pong: Festive snowmen
Yong Pong: Yes. Its a crab. And look! It farted!
Yong Pong: This is what our kid is going to look like. Except I don't know why it would have pants on its head.
Yong Pong: Looking at him here, you wouldn't think he was the epitome of bipolar disorder.
Yong Pong: Give me! I wants more!
Yong Pong: Is this a toddler sized hat?
Yong Pong: Its.... well you can see
Yong Pong: Shake shake shake..
Yong Pong: He really does have "doctor" handwriting!
Yong Pong: I wonder what is in here?
Yong Pong: This look would be more appropriate if it were directed at someone other than me
Yong Pong: You put your.... stufff in there
Yong Pong: IMG_9520
Yong Pong: Confusion sets in...
Yong Pong: Sometimes I bring a smile to peoples' faces
Yong Pong: What woman doesn't like bath stuff? Or man for that matter? Come on guys, don't lie!
Yong Pong: Looks like a candle! Or cinnamon sticks in a glass jar full of lard!
Yong Pong: This is what Oliver is. An ass.
Yong Pong: I have not yet figured out how to wear my hats correctly
Yong Pong: Yes, the psycho dog is sitting near my wife.
Yong Pong: Lost in thought
Yong Pong: This is my "oh" face
Yong Pong: Someone wants me to have cavities
Yong Pong: Focus on your present!