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12.24.2008 Christmas at the Pong's by Yong Pong
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Yong Pong
This is the hand that bleeds.
Yong Pong
It wasn't me!
Yong Pong
Soooooooo excited for Christmas!
Yong Pong
you open the first one. no, YOU open the first one.
Yong Pong
Yong Pong
Look! Baby clothes!
Yong Pong
Festive snowmen
Yong Pong
Yes. Its a crab. And look! It farted!
Yong Pong
This is what our kid is going to look like. Except I don't know why it would have pants on its head.
Yong Pong
Looking at him here, you wouldn't think he was the epitome of bipolar disorder.
Yong Pong
Give me! I wants more!
Yong Pong
Is this a toddler sized hat?
Yong Pong
Its.... well you can see
Yong Pong
Shake shake shake..
Yong Pong
He really does have "doctor" handwriting!
Yong Pong
I wonder what is in here?
Yong Pong
This look would be more appropriate if it were directed at someone other than me
Yong Pong
You put your.... stufff in there
Yong Pong
Yong Pong
Confusion sets in...
Yong Pong
Sometimes I bring a smile to peoples' faces
Yong Pong
What woman doesn't like bath stuff? Or man for that matter? Come on guys, don't lie!
Yong Pong
Looks like a candle! Or cinnamon sticks in a glass jar full of lard!
Yong Pong
This is what Oliver is. An ass.
Yong Pong
I have not yet figured out how to wear my hats correctly
Yong Pong
Yes, the psycho dog is sitting near my wife.
Yong Pong
Lost in thought
Yong Pong
This is my "oh" face
Yong Pong
Someone wants me to have cavities
Yong Pong
Focus on your present!
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