Yogi 58: Freitag ist Fisch-Tag (Handy-Foto) / Friday is fish day (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Heute wieder! / Today again!
Yogi 58: Puten-Rahmgeschnetzeltes mit Paprika (Handy-Fotos) / Meat cut from turkey with paprika and cream sauce (mobile shots)
Yogi 58: Car Wash (Handy-Foto / Mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Heißluftballon über Kanalbrücke / Hot air balloon above channel bridge
Yogi 58: Black is beautiful!
Yogi 58: Letzter Sonnen-Tag? (Handy-Bild) / Last sunny day? (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Hackbraten (Handy-Fotos) / Meat loaf (mobile shots)
Yogi 58: Vision und Wirklichkeit (Handy-Fotos) / Vision and reality (Mobile shots)
Yogi 58: So wie früher... (Handy-Foto) / Just like in former times... (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Kältetherapie (Handy-Foto) / Coldness therapy (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Yogis Hot Dog Spezial (Handy-Foto / mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Spritze ins Knie (Handy-Foto) / Injection into the knee (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Sommerpause (Handy-Foto) / Summer break (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Wurst-Spieße ohne Spieße ; - ), (Handy-Foto) / Sausage spears without spears ; - ), (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Fischburger (Handy-Foto) / Fishburger (Mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Grillhähnchen (Handy-Foto) / Roasted chicken (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Mercedes 450 SL, Oldtimer
Yogi 58: Sucuk (Handy-Fotos) / Sujuk (mobile shots)
Yogi 58: 2 Generationen Opel (Handy-Foto) / 2 generations of Opel (Mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Salat (Handy-Foto) / Salad (Mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Putenmedaillons... / Medaillons from turkey...
Yogi 58: Sonntagsessen (Handy-Foto) / Sunday meal (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Hähnchenfilet (Handy-Foto) / Filet from chicken (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Zanderfilet (Handy-Foto) / Filet from zander (mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Yogi-Mobil (Handy-Foto / Mobile shot)
Yogi 58: Grünkohlpfanne / Green cabbage
Yogi 58: Seltsam... / Curious...
Yogi 58: Schweinefilet... / Filet from pork...
Yogi 58: Warten auf 2016... / Waiting for 2016...