Yoga Chickie:
Portrait in the Ramble
Yoga Chickie:
Lewis and me
Yoga Chickie:
Yoga Chickie
Yoga Chickie:
Yoga Chickie
Yoga Chickie:
Yoga Chickie
Yoga Chickie:
The Devachan Way
Yoga Chickie:
Curly Girl
Yoga Chickie:
Adam, missing most of his teeth
Yoga Chickie:
Brian with his Mona Lisa smile
Yoga Chickie:
yoganidrasana repose
Yoga Chickie:
Always Be Doing Yoga
Yoga Chickie:
Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my closeup
Yoga Chickie:
Mom and Dad brought my wedding dress home for the holidays
Yoga Chickie:
And holy crap, it still fits
Yoga Chickie:
There went the bride, 14 years later
Yoga Chickie:
family room as of 1/29/08, still a w.i.p.