Yodster 【ツ】: Ane reading her favorite periodical
Yodster 【ツ】: Alex making another of his interesting faces
Yodster 【ツ】: Our bed in bozeman
Yodster 【ツ】: This is a yet narrower set of stairs
Yodster 【ツ】: Thats one narrow set of stairs
Yodster 【ツ】: Bob makes an apearance
Yodster 【ツ】: The rules of the cateye
Yodster 【ツ】: I don't know what it is at all
Yodster 【ツ】: Alex looking good
Yodster 【ツ】: Peggy in a different medium
Yodster 【ツ】: A memosa to start Alex off on a night of drinking
Yodster 【ツ】: Ane being squished by Alex
Yodster 【ツ】: Ane being squished by Alex
Yodster 【ツ】: Now you know
Yodster 【ツ】: Yet another unexpected shot of Alex
Yodster 【ツ】: Read the fine print on the bottom
Yodster 【ツ】: Ane very carefully filling out a surve for Garage (damn tasty burger joint)
Yodster 【ツ】: Ane being attacked by Alex's monkey toes
Yodster 【ツ】: Ane being attacked by Alex's monkey toes
Yodster 【ツ】: Alex begging for some Moo Casa Icecream ?
Yodster 【ツ】: Moo Casa Humor
Yodster 【ツ】: Our fortunes from a chinese restaraunt in Bozeman
Yodster 【ツ】: Alex in his cool* shirt
Yodster 【ツ】: The molestor van
Yodster 【ツ】: Capturing an attack in progress
Yodster 【ツ】: Demitra dual fisting it
Yodster 【ツ】: Ane and Demitra striking a pose
Yodster 【ツ】: A bar where they let you smoke, what a novel change
Yodster 【ツ】: Alexs the professor
Yodster 【ツ】: Alex giving me a weird look and a half