yodraws: Mike grabs the camera while I'm not looking
yodraws: Mike grabs the camera while I'm not looking
yodraws: Mike grabs the camera while I'm not looking
yodraws: Mike grabs the camera while I'm not looking
yodraws: Mike grabs the camera while I'm not looking
yodraws: Mike grabs the camera while I'm not looking
yodraws: Mike grabs the camera while I'm not looking
yodraws: Mike grabs the camera while I'm not looking
yodraws: MOCO Recital 2007
yodraws: MOCO Recital 2007
yodraws: Chicago Day 4
yodraws: Chicago Day 4
yodraws: temporary headrest
yodraws: right foot blue
yodraws: left hand red
yodraws: left hand yellow
yodraws: what? no internet?
yodraws: 15 years of bliss
yodraws: happy halloween
yodraws: snake game box
yodraws: time-out
yodraws: daughter and mother
yodraws: sass the frida up
yodraws: purple haze
yodraws: did frida smile?
yodraws: me as frida
yodraws: thunder struck
yodraws: control of my domain