Glass Bead Game Master: Driftwood and cypress bench on the Center
Glass Bead Game Master: Gary and Chris at Long Lake
Glass Bead Game Master: Chris and Frank at Long Lake
Glass Bead Game Master: Prayer of Repentance
Glass Bead Game Master: Frank, Chris, Gary resting from the walk
Glass Bead Game Master: The light in the barn
Glass Bead Game Master: On the beach at the Center
Glass Bead Game Master: Preparing to set sail
Glass Bead Game Master: Into the waves
Glass Bead Game Master: Up and over the last one
Glass Bead Game Master: The view North from the Center
Glass Bead Game Master: View to the South of the Center
Glass Bead Game Master: The path back to the Center
Glass Bead Game Master: In the lagoon cabin above Baba's chair