Yoan Agus: With Siska Budi and Renata
Yoan Agus: With Pi'i and...ups sorry I forgot
Yoan Agus: With Shelby
Yoan Agus: With Benz and Ada, Honathan and Hale behind
Yoan Agus: Me, Benz and Ester
Yoan Agus: Benz with Evan
Yoan Agus: With Andre and Vivi
Yoan Agus: With Anita
Yoan Agus: With Roy
Yoan Agus: With Nancy and Rex
Yoan Agus: Strawberry Short Cake fr Ayke
Yoan Agus: With our lovely Ayke
Yoan Agus: With Ayke and Ada
Yoan Agus: With Bian
Yoan Agus: My newest Baby Cloth
Yoan Agus: Riping the gift
Yoan Agus: Swinger yay :)
Yoan Agus: Plenty of Gifts
Yoan Agus: Another Gifts
Yoan Agus: The Gifts
Yoan Agus: Ada made a headdress for me :)
Yoan Agus: It's tickling me
Yoan Agus: A headdress from the Baby Shower Ornament
Yoan Agus: Create the rest of Scrapbook
Yoan Agus: Panda Cheese Cake fr Roy & Anita
Yoan Agus: Pi'i and Renata bussy with Scrapbook
Yoan Agus: Drawing the Cutie Pie's Bug
Yoan Agus: Pi'i with the Scrapbook
Yoan Agus: Bussy with the Scrapbook
Yoan Agus: Set up the Ping Pong Table