ymuahmii: Aoshima Shrine
ymuahmii: Wave-shaped rock at Aoshima Island
ymuahmii: Aerial view of Aoshima Island
ymuahmii: Sunrise view of Aoshima Island
ymuahmii: Whole view of Aoshima Island Thick with betel nut palm trees
ymuahmii: Betel-nut palm trees like jungle
ymuahmii: Sunrise at Horikiri-Toge
ymuahmii: Betel nut palm trees in Aoshima Island
ymuahmii: Cactus flowers
ymuahmii: Children's Land
ymuahmii: Nanatubae Rock at Aburatsu Coast
ymuahmii: Udejima Rocks
ymuahmii: Udo Jingu Shrine
ymuahmii: Wild horses at Toi-Misaki
ymuahmii: Poinsettia flowers in Horikiri-Toge