ylfamist: Staring at the sun
ylfamist: Kornelia watches the sun go down
ylfamist: Lisa and Ylfa
ylfamist: Sara and Lisa
ylfamist: Magali
ylfamist: A blurry one
ylfamist: Climber.
ylfamist: The eyes of Snow.
ylfamist: Looking at the past...
ylfamist: My aunt Sara, working on one of her masterpiece.
ylfamist: Sisters.
ylfamist: The school fest.
ylfamist: My very own Didda with her son.
ylfamist: Koktailarnir ómótstæðilegir
ylfamist: Vínið var gott
ylfamist: Communications.
ylfamist: Sand and Trampolin!
ylfamist: Sara working
ylfamist: My fosterboy, Finnbogi.
ylfamist: My mother
ylfamist: The rythm is all in the head
ylfamist: This is how children should look every day.
ylfamist: Concert in the evening sun
ylfamist: Trying to help :o)
ylfamist: Thinking.
ylfamist: Legoland. Danmark
ylfamist: Ylfa and Sara. Twins???
ylfamist: Look, a man is falling down from the sky!!!
ylfamist: VilliValli
ylfamist: Finnbogi sætabrauð