[puamelia]: 12月23日。ダンボー、ミニダンボーを待ちくたびれてパブに行く。
[puamelia]: Christmas special plate
[puamelia]: Christmas special plate
[puamelia]: homemade scone
[puamelia]: 鹿肉とフェンネルの自家製ソーセージ 
[puamelia]: 骨付きフライドチキン 
[puamelia]: beef in guinness
[puamelia]: scallop & shrimp pie on a arugula & white sesame sauce
[puamelia]: fish & chips with tartar sauce
[puamelia]: すきやき丼 / a bowl of rice topped with sukiyaki
[puamelia]: 親子丼/ a bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs
[puamelia]: タマゴと野菜たっぷり親子雑炊
[puamelia]: 湯豆腐のつもりが鶏で水炊き
[puamelia]: 徳利で熱燗
[puamelia]: 鯛の塩焼き
[puamelia]: sashimi / お刺身四点盛り
[puamelia]: 麻婆野菜炒め / Ma Po Vegetable and pork (?)
[puamelia]: I've been tagged!!! / brainsed pork and potatoes
[puamelia]: deep-fried chicken and mozzarella
[puamelia]: oyster, scallops and white sauce croquette with aurora sauce
[puamelia]: raisin butter on RITZ cracker
[puamelia]: sea bream poeler with black olive sauce
[puamelia]: sea bream poeler with black olive sauce
[puamelia]: pork saute & boiled vegetables hot salad
[puamelia]: red wine & hot salad
[puamelia]: hot salad & red wine
[puamelia]: salmon and poireau's cream risotto
[puamelia]: salmon and poireau's cream risotto
[puamelia]: salmon and poireau's cream risotto
[puamelia]: pork and chicken liver terrine