yago1 | Photography:
Dark Sun & Sea in Lausanne LAM#2
yago1 | Photography:
YAGO's Red Arrow (YRA)
yago1 | Photography:
The View (SBB#2) Bahnhof Winterthur
yago1 | Photography:
LDF Rainbow - Cheminée de Moretti
yago1 | Photography:
Embankment Tube Station - London underground
yago1 | Photography:
(LAT#1) Lakeside Afternoon Tea-time in Switzerland
yago1 | Photography:
(SBB#3) Path of Light
yago1 | Photography:
MaxBill Fassade (NO#4)
yago1 | Photography:
(BDM#3) Heart - Breakdancing
yago1 | Photography:
(BDM#2) Twist - Breakdancing
yago1 | Photography:
(BDM#1) Circle - Breakdancing
yago1 | Photography:
Vertical Pixel Wrap Winterthur 0340 Blues (HBWB)
yago1 | Photography:
(AZ#1) Organic Airport
yago1 | Photography:
LDF Reflections
yago1 | Photography:
(AM#1) 20:22:55 - Amsterdam
yago1 | Photography:
Aare-Schlucht, Milk-Way, Switzerland
yago1 | Photography:
Vivid colors in the sky
yago1 | Photography:
(WC#1) Clouds
yago1 | Photography:
Not Las Vegas! (AZ#4) Zurich Airport
yago1 | Photography:
(PI#1) Puma inside®
yago1 | Photography:
Organic Slice of light (AZ#2)
yago1 | Photography:
(LAM#1) Lakeside Afternoon Metropole
yago1 | Photography:
(RAW) Rare Awesome Winter
yago1 | Photography:
Ice + Sun = Water
yago1 | Photography:
(PI#2) Chilling Puma
yago1 | Photography:
Lego in Oerlikon
yago1 | Photography:
Sihl-City POV (SCP)
yago1 | Photography:
UrBanSwitzerland (UBS)
yago1 | Photography:
Gleis 6/9
yago1 | Photography:
Uzes, blue door Nr. 365