Yves Janse: Contemplating Life...
Yves Janse: Hatchou! Sand on my nose?
Yves Janse: End of the Day
Yves Janse: Lost in Thought...
Yves Janse: Beautiful plumage!!!
Yves Janse: White Rhino Profile
Yves Janse: Squirrel Monkey
Yves Janse: White Rhinoceros
Yves Janse: Dragonfly Basking in the Sun
Yves Janse: Fjällräven (Arctic Fox) - World Animal Day
Yves Janse: King of the Woods
Yves Janse: What are you looking at?
Yves Janse: Great Cormorant / Aalscholver
Yves Janse: White-rumped Shama
Yves Janse: Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Yves Janse: Hunting Heron
Yves Janse: White-Backed Vulture?
Yves Janse: Proud Eagle
Yves Janse: Northern Burrowing Owl
Yves Janse: Ahhh... Holidays....
Yves Janse: Yaaaawn....
Yves Janse: It's good to be back!
Yves Janse: Greater Kudu
Yves Janse: Great Grey Owl