Yipski: On the road to Tofo Beach
Yipski: On the road to Tofo Beach
Yipski: Simon showing off... or something
Yipski: Simon showing off... or something
Yipski: Frank shows off his coconut carving skills...
Yipski: The tide's out..
Yipski: The tide's out..
Yipski: Stranded
Yipski: Stranded
Yipski: The tide's out..
Yipski: The tide's out..
Yipski: Ahoy there
Yipski: Derelict boat
Yipski: Oh mountains o' ...
Yipski: Oh mountains o' ...
Yipski: Sea shells
Yipski: Sea shells
Yipski: Oops - the tide's out...
Yipski: Waiting for the tide to come back
Yipski: Waiting... for the tide
Yipski: Waiting... for the tide
Yipski: Waiting... for the tide
Yipski: Waiting... for the tide
Yipski: Waiting... for the tide
Yipski: Mozambican Sunset
Yipski: Road from Vilanculos to Maputo
Yipski: Pothole...