yin'sphoto: Caricias del mar | Sea ​​caresses
yin'sphoto: Aún falta para el verano | Need to wait for summer
yin'sphoto: Gijón (Efecto miniatura) | Gijón (Miniature effect)
yin'sphoto: No les vemos, pero nos vigilan | we can not see them, but they are watching us
yin'sphoto: La marea teñida de anochecer | Tide dyed of nightfall
yin'sphoto: Luz, sombras y arena | Light, shadows and sand
yin'sphoto: Soñando con el mar | Dreaming with the sea
yin'sphoto: Inmóviles | Immobile
yin'sphoto: Atarceder en el paraíso | Sunset at paradise
yin'sphoto: Fuego en el horizonte | Fire on the skyline
yin'sphoto: Pensamientos en la orilla | Thoughts on the shore
yin'sphoto: A un paso de la inmensidad | A step to immensity
yin'sphoto: La multitud, presa del mar | The crowd, prisoner of the sea
yin'sphoto: Tres afortunados | Three lucky
yin'sphoto: Sombras buscando refugio en la arena | Shadows looking for refuge in the sand
yin'sphoto: Calma | Calm
yin'sphoto: Nubes ardientes sobre el mar | Burning clouds over the sea
yin'sphoto: Pescando momentos | Fishing some moments
yin'sphoto: Paisajes secuestrados | Kidnapped landscapes
yin'sphoto: En las rocas | On the rocks
yin'sphoto: Guardianes de la arena | Sandwatchers
yin'sphoto: Eterna | Eternal