yin'sphoto: Como tentáculos | Like tentacles
yin'sphoto: Generosa | Generous
yin'sphoto: Rumbo a la primavera | Course to spring
yin'sphoto: En horario laboral | At work time
yin'sphoto: Hipnotica | Hypnotic
yin'sphoto: Delicada naturaleza | Delicate nature
yin'sphoto: Dentro de la rosa | Inside the rose
yin'sphoto: Pentágono malva | Purple pentagon
yin'sphoto: Cruz templaria | Templar cross
yin'sphoto: Explosión naranja | Orange explosion
yin'sphoto: Soledad y fragilidad | Loneliness and fragility
yin'sphoto: Ruleta del amor | Love roulette
yin'sphoto: Extraña pero hermosa | Strange but beautiful
yin'sphoto: Zumo de Dioses | The God's juice
yin'sphoto: Claveles para una revolución | Carnations for a revolution
yin'sphoto: Primavera escondida | Hidden spring
yin'sphoto: Acariciando Abril | April caressing
yin'sphoto: Suave marchitar | Soft wither
yin'sphoto: Alegría en la penumbra | Happiness into the shadow
yin'sphoto: Atrapada | Catched
yin'sphoto: Vestigios de lo que un día fué | Vestiges of what once it was
yin'sphoto: Belleza incompleta | Incomplete beauty
yin'sphoto: Aún danza | Still dance
yin'sphoto: Última luz | Last light