PolAlpha: Mamiya girl
PolAlpha: 父親
PolAlpha: 20131019-IMG_5273
PolAlpha: Olga K.
PolAlpha: Olga K.
PolAlpha: 向着太阳
PolAlpha: Coffee lady
PolAlpha: how was it?
PolAlpha: IMG_2877
PolAlpha: IMG_2929
PolAlpha: IMG_2625
PolAlpha: IMG_2641
PolAlpha: yashica FX-3 super 2000
PolAlpha: Nikon 85mm F1.4 AIS
PolAlpha: Olya
PolAlpha: IMG_1096
PolAlpha: Liza
PolAlpha: IMG_9533
PolAlpha: waves
PolAlpha: ballet on the moon!
PolAlpha: Juan
PolAlpha: got to make her happy
PolAlpha: wedding midwest
PolAlpha: IMG_4677
PolAlpha: NICE lens, and smile from Joanna
PolAlpha: Summer time
PolAlpha: IMG_6975
PolAlpha: Hello Sunday Morning
PolAlpha: L1028037