yichuan414: on our way to Huanshan Tribe_1
yichuan414: on our way to Huanshan Tribe_2
yichuan414: cherry tree is blooming
yichuan414: when I took a rest_1
yichuan414: when I took a rest_2
yichuan414: when I took a rest_3
yichuan414: near sunset
yichuan414: my camp site after sunrise
yichuan414: Mt. Zhihjiayang and me:)
yichuan414: our encounter is like the amazing light after sunrise
yichuan414: my tarp and Mt. Syue(Snow Mountain)
yichuan414: Mt. Syue(Snow Mountain)
yichuan414: take our time_1
yichuan414: take our time_1
yichuan414: Arnaud and Mt. Syue
yichuan414: Arnaud and Me
yichuan414: on the way back
yichuan414: looking at our camp site
yichuan414: Piaodan pool and Mt. Jhihjiayang
yichuan414: Sihjielan creek and Mt. Syue
yichuan414: road changing
yichuan414: way back
yichuan414: temple overnight
yichuan414: leaving the temple to take a bus
yichuan414: TryHisBestToChat
yichuan414: Happy Chat time during lunch