yi: crabs and clams and frog's legs oh my!
yi: market
yi: butcher
yi: market
yi: longan
yi: fishes
yi: martha would approve
yi: chinesewurst
yi: prepared food aisle
yi: pizza cone wtf!
yi: makin' meat buns
yi: pan fried meat buns
yi: everything fried
yi: stinky tofu eaters
yi: grilled oysters
yi: rehydrated squid - this place was hopping.
yi: rehydrated squid (from south america!?!?) with basil and spicy, garlicky, delicous sauce
yi: grilled sausages
yi: this stand was selling soups with medicinal herbs
yi: kao-chi
yi: non DTF soup dumplings
yi: Monster Ice has now been renamed FnB Gourmet Group
yi: waiting mango
yi: mango ice with mango ice cream on top
yi: dig in!
yi: i <3 jua bing
yi: jua bing maker
yi: i should've ordered 2
yi: look at my lovely layers
yi: soup dumpling, how I've missed thee