yi: suckers
yi: here ya go
yi: tea
yi: sake and blurry gari and fresh grated wasabi
yi: marinated squid, lemon zest
yi: seared ankimo or monk fish liver (foie gras of the sea)
yi: flamed salt preserved pollock roe on microgreens
yi: wok-tossed edamame with lemon oil and chiles
yi: tasting
yi: o-toro served tar-tar style, squid ink roe and quail egg
yi: mackeral with ginger and crispy bones/tail
yi: marinated hotate in butter and soy
yi: tuna, yamaimo, avocado, balsamic reduction and some wasabi mayo
yi: tastings
yi: salmon with some creme fraiche and some fancy oil, sake, lemon zest
yi: hamachi in ponzu sauce with chili
yi: baby yellowtail with korean pesto, smoked sea salt, candied lemon
yi: black sushi rice, habañero tuna, avocado, tempura flakes, yogurt-coconut-miso sauce
yi: escolar nigiri, fried garlic
yi: kobe beef nigiri
yi: we called this the whitey's roll (shrimp tempura, avocado, tuna, salmon, spicy sauce)
yi: unagi cilantro tempura roll, cream cheese and something spicy
yi: tamago dessert
yi: tahitian banana cake, vanilla ice cream, caramel
yi: peking duck!
yi: a hot mess