yi: prada marfa
yi: prada marfa
yi: nice installation; bad typography on the placard
yi: prada marfa
yi: prada marfa
yi: davis mountains
yi: driven by shooting
yi: drive by shooting
yi: double rainbow over marfa
yi: john stares at the wall
yi: hurts my eyes
yi: flavin lights
yi: judd blocks
yi: godbold
yi: laundromat
yi: robert irwin temporary installation
yi: chinati foundation
yi: i square judd
yi: i SO wanted to recreate Christina's World in this field
yi: unfinished by judd
yi: yellow wabbit!
yi: chipotle roast pork loin with mustard greens, corn pudding ($17 or $18, can't remember)
yi: bone in ribeye with mustard greens, fried potatoes ($27)
yi: coats go here
yi: clocks
yi: dinner
yi: sun setting behind me
yi: ryan and jose by window-light
yi: foam sculpture
yi: crumple