yi: phil and chris
yi: winston and jennifer
yi: jenn
yi: tom
yi: weekend of joe starts off with karaoke
yi: eric looks angry
yi: chris and tom
yi: phil and dev
yi: ladies harmonize
yi: tom and phil
yi: tom sings
yi: jenn shows us how to use the remote
yi: tom kisses jenn
yi: would you like some coconuts?
yi: i've got a pair already
yi: sing it, ladies
yi: boys are back in town
yi: he's got legs
yi: tom
yi: indi, julie and tom
yi: patrick
yi: aunt carol
yi: chris, hilary (and phil) perform unstoppable
yi: chris, hilary (and phil) perform unstoppable
yi: yay bubbles
yi: melody and no-name baby
yi: hil and bubs
yi: chris
yi: baby loves beer
yi: bubbles