yhila: Beach of Peponi Hotel in Lamu
yhila: Dhow boat with the townscape of Lamu in Kenya
yhila: A narrow street of Lamu town
yhila: Stone town of Lamu
yhila: Mosque in Lamu town
yhila: Dhow boat cruising in Mangrove canal in Lamu, Kenya
yhila: Takwa ruin in Lamu
yhila: Gedi ruin near Mombasa in Kenya
yhila: Seine riverside
yhila: House of Wonders in the stone town of Zanzibar
yhila: Old fort of Zanzibar
yhila: Spice Inn in the stone town of Zanzibar
yhila: Spice Inn
yhila: Outrigger boats on the beach near Dar es Salaam
yhila: Beach in the suburb of Dar es Salaam
yhila: Hotel boundary on the beach near Dar es Salaam
yhila: Tidal flat near Dar es Salaam
yhila: Beach near the old town of Zanzibar
yhila: Beach on the east coast of Zanzibar
yhila: Outrigger boat on the beach of Dar Es Salam
yhila: Hotel on the east coast of Zanzibar facing Indian Ocean
yhila: Outrigger canoe in Zanzibar, Tanzania
yhila: Beach on the west coast of Zanzibar
yhila: Nairobi slum viewed from Kenyan Rail
yhila: Kenyan Rail going to Uganda
yhila: Source of NIle in Uganda
yhila: Kampala city and Victoria lake
yhila: Hippos in the water of Kazinga Channel
yhila: Hippo in the compound of a lodge in the Queen Elizabeth National Park
yhila: Red road in Uganda