yhila: Overview of Kumbum monastery in Huangzhong
yhila: Entrance of Kumbum monastery
yhila: Procession of monks in front of Kumbum monastery
yhila: Tibetan prayer wheels in Kumbum monastery
yhila: Close-up of Kumbum monastery
yhila: Dungguan mosque of Xining City
yhila: Herd of Yaks in Qinghai basin
yhila: Chorten on Qinghai lakeside
yhila: Outdoor stalls and tents at the sacred site
yhila: Sacred place covered with prayer flags on the Qinghai lakeside
yhila: Prayer flags and grazing sheep
yhila: Pilgrims at the sacred place
yhila: Stones carved with mantras
yhila: Pilgrims on the shore of Qinghai lake
yhila: Herd of sheep crossing the road surrounding Qinghai lake
yhila: View from "Plant 221" - China's first research base of nuclear weapons
yhila: Reservoir in Qinghai lake basin
yhila: Washboard topography of Qinghai provice from a flight to Beijing