yhila: Rainbow Bridge from a passenger ship leaving Tokyo Bay
yhila: Rainbow Bridge and the waterfront of Tokyo
yhila: Next morning after the previous upload
yhila: Wave-cut cliffs of Mikura-jima
yhila: Hachijou Fuji volcano seen from Noboryuu Touge
yhila: Evergreen broadleaf forest on the slope of Mihara-yama volcano
yhila: Cliff and rocky beach in the Sueyoshi community of Hachijou-jima
yhila: Shioma coast of southern Hachijou-jima
yhila: Southern coastline of Hachijou-jima island
yhila: Hachijou-kojima seen across a forest in Hachijou-jima
yhila: Lava coastline of northern Hachijou-jima
yhila: Pacific Ocean across the palm grove
yhila: Hachijou-kojima seen from the slope of Hachijou Fuji
yhila: Slope of Hachijou Fuji down to the Pacific shore 800m below.
yhila: Panorama of Hachijou-jima seen from the lookout in Hachijou Ranch
yhila: Lookout in Hachijou Fureai Ranch
yhila: Nanbara lava field seen from the slope of Hachijou Fuji
yhila: Nanbara Senjoujiki lava field
yhila: Sokodo Beach
yhila: Warehouse on stilts in Hachijou Botanical Park
yhila: Main street of Hachijou municipality
yhila: Local food restaurant in a local architecture
yhila: Clouds in a row above the Pacific
yhila: Pacific Ocean after sunset
yhila: Sokodo Port in Mitsune, Hachijou-jima
yhila: Adiós a Hachijou-jima
yhila: Approaching Mikura-jima island
yhila: Mikura-jima and a boat
yhila: Mikura-jima Port and Settlement
yhila: Approaching Miyake-jima island