yhila: Plaza de Armas de Lima
yhila: Catch landing on a Tumbes beach
yhila: Totora boat returning with a catch of fish
yhila: Sechura desert and the Pacific Ocean
yhila: Sea birds flying over Peruvian Pacific Coast
yhila: Townscape of Paita
yhila: Ceviche de Trucha (ceviche of trout) at the restaurant of Hotel Turistas de Avancay
yhila: Excavated wall with carvings in Huaca de la Luna
yhila: Tree with lichen in the tropical dry forest of Tumbes, Perú
yhila: Mustard flowers in the Amazonas region of Andes
yhila: Outer wall of Kuelap archaeological site in Utcubamba, Perú
yhila: Attack of sheep on the traffic
yhila: Overview of Huancavelica
yhila: Dancing in the Plaza de Armas of Huancavelica
yhila: Two cute passengers on a "combi" minivan to Avancay
yhila: Iglesia de Compañía de Jesús on the plaza de armas in Cusco
yhila: Moray archaeological site in Urubamba
yhila: Zigzag wall of Saqsaywamán in Cusco
yhila: Boats on Río Samiriya
yhila: Canopy Walkway for the observation of tropical rainforest near Iquitos
yhila: Children in San Martín de Tipishca
yhila: Muddy Río Amazonas from a boat to Nauta, Loreto region of Perú
yhila: Shadows of cloud on the tropical rainforest of Amazon from a flight to Iquitos
yhila: Navigating Río Marañon off Nauta at sunset