yhila: Touching the holy camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) for good luck in Usa Shintô Shrine, Óita
yhila: Sacred bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, Bihar
yhila: Dedicating candles to Bodhnath Stupa in Kathmandu
yhila: Votive Buddha figurines in Pak Ou Cave in Laos
yhila: Spirit house in the go-go bar complex of Nana Plaza in Bangkok
yhila: Buddhist alter in Huon Son Cave Temple
yhila: Attaching gold leaves to Buddha in Mahamuni Paya in Mandalay
yhila: Sacred tree in New Bagan, Nyaung-U
yhila: Mizuko Jizó shrine for miscarriage, stillbirth, and abortion in Yamadera Temple, Yamagata
yhila: Buddhist sacred site of Gridha Kuta (Vulture Peak) in Rajgir, Bihar
yhila: Soles of Buddha in Atula Shwethalyaung
yhila: In a church in Cobán, Guatemala
yhila: Nodes of wishes to Swami Rock in the precinct of Koneswarm Kovil in Trincomalee
yhila: Fox figurines for good luck and prosperity in Toyokawa Inari shrine, Aichi
yhila: Sazaedou shrine in Fukushima with plenty of paper charms pasted inside
yhila: For the safety of trekking in Nepal
yhila: Meoto-Iwa (rocks of husband and wife) of Kabukanohana in Muroto City
yhila: Roadside Christian shrine in Negombo
yhila: Dagoba in Kataragama, Sri Lanka
yhila: Ganesh Festival in Mumbai
yhila: Money to Buddha for the fulfilment of wishes in Wat Phnom Penh
yhila: Lord Buddha in Shwedagon Paya, Yangon
yhila: Sacred trees in Kawaguchi Asama shintô shrine
yhila: Stelae along the trail to Ontakesan Volcano near Nigorigo Hotspriings in Gifu prefecture
yhila: Giant Katsura clumps beside Oomiya Suwa Shrine