Akitoshi Iio:
ビックカメラ+ユニクロ Bic Camera + UNIQLO in Shinjyuku
Akitoshi Iio:
アルコタワーと目黒川 ARCO Tower and Meguro River
Akitoshi Iio:
Autumn's scene of Meguro River from Meguro-shinbashi
Akitoshi Iio:
アルメニアヨーグルトの朝食 Armenian yoghurt at breakfast
Akitoshi Iio:
東麻布二丁目からの東京タワー Night view of Tokyo Tower from Higashi Azabu
Akitoshi Iio:
秋の風景 a fine autumn Sunday
Akitoshi Iio:
秋晴れと目黒競馬場跡地の桜 Autumn's fine day and a cherry tree of the old Meguro Horse Racecourse
Akitoshi Iio:
Akitoshi Iio:
TSUTAYA Daikanyama, bookstore and cafe.
Akitoshi Iio:
The top of antenna was repaired to be straight line. It was bucked up by the eastern Japan earthquake.
Akitoshi Iio:
Akitoshi Iio:
Akitoshi Iio:
Akitoshi Iio:
Akitoshi Iio:
Akitoshi Iio:
Kabuki-cho, Shinjyuku, Tokyo 変わらず元気な歌舞伎町
Akitoshi Iio:
Autumn tints in Omote-sandou, Tokyo. 表参道の秋の色合い
Akitoshi Iio:
Autumn tints in Higasi-gotanda, Tokyo 東五反田の紅葉
Akitoshi Iio:
Autumn tints at Omote-sandou in Tokyo
Akitoshi Iio:
Entrance of Omote-sandou station of Tokyo Subway.
Akitoshi Iio:
A fine Autumn day in Omote-sandou.