Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Star Cocoon on 15th street, Repetition Meets Difference in the background
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference on 15th street
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference on 15th street
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference on 15th street
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference on 15th street
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference followed up by Star Cocoon
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference on 15th street
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference on 15th street
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Star Cocoon on 15th street
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference hanging from a crane
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Star Cocoon being hand delivered up 5th avenue
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Here they come down 17th street!
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference hanging from a crane
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference hanging from a crane
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Repetition Meets Difference about to be carried into the loading dock
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Star Cocoon in the corridor out of the loading dock
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
Another one of our great art handlers trying to figure out how to Repetition Meets Difference out of the loading dock
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
One of our great art handlers trying to figure out how to Repetition Meets Difference out of the loading dock
Yeshiva University Museum Exhibitions:
A Shot from Shim Sukkah (not in our installation but this picture is just so tactile!)