yes cathy can: happy faces in oakland
yes cathy can: Car at the Mormon chapel
yes cathy can: The Mormon Chapel in West Oakland and the moon
yes cathy can: Can you see San Francisco?
yes cathy can: Who is that guy?
yes cathy can: The View from the chapel.
yes cathy can: Broken glass everywhere.
yes cathy can: Don't you digg this sign as much as I do.
yes cathy can: dog house
yes cathy can: These Pussy Willows are HUGE...
yes cathy can: "Look at all those bikes"
yes cathy can: Octopus boobs?
yes cathy can: Brown Sugar is quite an experience.
yes cathy can: Very green lawn.. very rusty building
yes cathy can: I like the lay out of the grass, palm trees, and lights.
yes cathy can: Oakland skies
yes cathy can: Oakland corners
yes cathy can: IMG_0088.JPG
yes cathy can: IMG_0101.JPG
yes cathy can: IMG_0117.JPG
yes cathy can: IMG_0118.JPG
yes cathy can: IMG_0129.JPG