Yersinia: pitcairn
Yersinia: The grave dissolves each social tie
Yersinia: Snails of Trottick
Yersinia: beachboy
Yersinia: ad infinitum
Yersinia: hover
Yersinia: Dundee marmalade
Yersinia: carder
Yersinia: godwits and gull
Yersinia: flight
Yersinia: formation
Yersinia: fright
Yersinia: rock balancing for beginners
Yersinia: one small step
Yersinia: sandwich tern
Yersinia: beachbuoy
Yersinia: Broughty Castle
Yersinia: harbour
Yersinia: fortification
Yersinia: men at work
Yersinia: Site safety starts here
Yersinia: the hole of castle green
Yersinia: investigating the hole of castle green
Yersinia: mesh
Yersinia: wicker
Yersinia: de profundis
Yersinia: SP02WUT
Yersinia: Lovely melons!
Yersinia: Beatiful Raiway Bridge of the Silvery Tay
Yersinia: Pigeon with funky legwarmers