yerko: Petaluma
yerko: Stillwater spirits
yerko: baby still
yerko: smoked barley - tasted like bacon. Delicious!
yerko: beer and california sun
yerko: barrel
yerko: what can possibly go wrong?
yerko: donut shine
yerko: sweet wort
yerko: that thing is amazing (but apparently not too accurate)
yerko: Drew
yerko: what the hell is this a submarine?
yerko: nope... a 500 gallon still!
yerko: Brendan
yerko: down time
yerko: maximum clearance 9'
yerko: luckily i didn't have enough change
yerko: Bill
yerko: stillwater
yerko: whiskey tasting
yerko: nose palate finish and balance
yerko: zak
yerko: barrel makin'
yerko: barrel toastin'
yerko: hard work!
yerko: "cauterizing the bunghole" --- really
yerko: falcon spirits
yerko: falcon still
yerko: falcon still with a sweet agitator and CIP