yenney?: setting up the reception
yenney?: setting up the reception
yenney?: setting up the reception
yenney?: setting up the reception
yenney?: setting up the reception
yenney?: rehearsal 4
yenney?: rehearsal 3
yenney?: rehearsal 2
yenney?: rehearsal 1
yenney?: Gloria was joyous, of course
yenney?: all our girle tools
yenney?: Trysh & Tara
yenney?: Sarah
yenney?: the beautiful couple
yenney?: Wayne & Glo before the ceremony
yenney?: G and parts of her new fam!
yenney?: Mimi
yenney?: Gloria soon-to-be Dykstra
yenney?: Vickie, Tara, & Shaunna
yenney?: Vickie & Tara
yenney?: my girlz from high school
yenney?: GG & her pretty parasol
yenney?: now, kiss the bride!
yenney?: the wedding party
yenney?: the blushing bride
yenney?: Dad, Luna, & Mauri
yenney?: Pete & Luna
yenney?: Gloria, Mimi, and Sarah
yenney?: Wayne & his best man
yenney?: Shaunna & Raazi