thepromo: valentina, malade 4
thepromo: valentina, malade 3
thepromo: henfrasa 1
thepromo: henfrasa 2: pretending i'm getting stuff out in an orderly fashion
thepromo: henfrasa 3
thepromo: henfrasa 5
thepromo: henfrasa 4
thepromo: henfrasa tent camp: view from patrick's tent on the roof 1
thepromo: henfrasa tent camp, as seen from the old tennis court
thepromo: henfrasa tent camp (video)
thepromo: dezode
thepromo: allen in his new sandals
thepromo: bon repo: lelene and allen
thepromo: video: aldy reading with the kids
thepromo: bon repo: allen's cousin
thepromo: smdt: outdoor meeting area
thepromo: smdt: laundry area
thepromo: smdt orfelina, port au prince: new classroom
thepromo: multilingual reading session: english, french and kreyol
thepromo: Mr. Laroza and Jamema
thepromo: jamema in her new clothes
thepromo: close-up of jamema
thepromo: look at jamema's little socks and fishie leggings
thepromo: look at jamema's little ladybug sweater!
thepromo: lovelie
thepromo: natanaelle
thepromo: natanaelle and lovelie
thepromo: smdt: writing names 1
thepromo: smdt: writing names 2
thepromo: smdt: writing names 3