yemio: Curtain of light
yemio: Central lights
yemio: Masks
yemio: Lighting operator
yemio: Pot dancers 1
yemio: Pot dancers 2
yemio: Pot dancers 3
yemio: Pot dancers 4
yemio: Illuminated dragon
yemio: Illuminated feathers
yemio: Peacock
yemio: Watching the parade
yemio: Boy on shoulders
yemio: Flags for the dragon
yemio: Waiting expectantly
yemio: Security
yemio: Dragon cometh
yemio: Rushing towards us
yemio: Rushing past
yemio: Waving the tail 1
yemio: Waving the tail 2
yemio: Head on
yemio: Crouching
yemio: Coming out of the light
yemio: Body-less dragon
yemio: Holding up the tail
yemio: Lanterns
yemio: Venue after the event