YellowSubmarine 1926:
The Many Hotels along Fallsview Boulevard
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Fallsview Casino
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Casino grounds
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Kids going Wild
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
American Horseshoe Falls and Bridal Veil Falls
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Falls and EJ
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Maid of the Mist
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Maid of the Mist
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Emma all Wrapped
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Friendship Bridge
YellowSubmarine 1926:
EJ-must be special and use a different raincoat
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
American Falls