YellowSubmarine 1926:
Chapel of St Vincent de Paul
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Staircase to the Shrine
YellowSubmarine 1926:
The Silver Shrine
YellowSubmarine 1926:
St Vincent
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Remains of St Vincent de Paul
YellowSubmarine 1926:
95 Rue de Sevres
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Darelle & Eiffel
YellowSubmarine 1926:
The French Flag
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Take 1
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Take 2
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Eiffel Ladies
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Cathedrale de Notre Dame de Paris
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Musee d'Orsay
YellowSubmarine 1926:
B&W Orsay
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
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YellowSubmarine 1926:
YellowSubmarine 1926:
Corinthian Columns