YellowstoneNPS: Park employee welcomes visitors at the East Entrance on Opening day 2020
YellowstoneNPS: Park employee welcomes visitors at the East Entrance on Opening day 2020 (2)
YellowstoneNPS: Opening Day 2020 at East Entrance
YellowstoneNPS: Park employee welcomes visitors at the South Entrance on Opening day 2020
YellowstoneNPS: Ranger Don demonstrates a new extendable arm prototype at the South Entrance
YellowstoneNPS: Park employee watches a bison from a safe distance on the Old Faithful boardwalk
YellowstoneNPS: Visitors waiting for an Old Faithful eruption on Opening Day 2020
YellowstoneNPS: Visitors watch an Old Faithful Eruption Opening day 2020 (2)
YellowstoneNPS: Visitors watch an Old Faithful Eruption Opening day 2020
YellowstoneNPS: Visitors leaving the Old Faithful boardwalks after an eruption Opening Day