YellowstoneNPS: Hail storm on the Sepulcher Mountain Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Hiking down the Sepulcher Mountain Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Taking in the views along the Sepulcher Mountain Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Hiking up the Sepulcher Mountain Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Glassing a hillside along the Sepulcher Mountain Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Hikers on the Buffalo Plateau Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Backcountry campers on the Buffalo Plateau Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Expedition Yellowstone group hiking on the Rescue Creek Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Fall hiker on the Slough Creek Trail
YellowstoneNPS: View of trail to Osprey Falls
YellowstoneNPS: Hiking along Lewis Lake
YellowstoneNPS: Climbing Bunsen Peak
YellowstoneNPS: Signing the register on Bunsen Peak
YellowstoneNPS: Hikers on Bunsen Peak Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Hiking near the base of Osprey Falls
YellowstoneNPS: Hikers on the Rescue Creek Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Backpackers hiking into the Black Canyon of the Yellowstone (panorama)
YellowstoneNPS: Wet trail conditions for a backcountry camper hiking near Hellroaring Creek
YellowstoneNPS: Hiking back to camp along Hellroaring Creek (2)
YellowstoneNPS: Hiking back to camp along Hellroaring Creek
YellowstoneNPS: Hiking down Hellroaring Mountain
YellowstoneNPS: Hikers walking to Mammoth Campground
YellowstoneNPS: Hikers along the Yellowstone River Trail with Electric Peak in the distance
YellowstoneNPS: Trail up Avalanche Peak
YellowstoneNPS: Whitebark pines on Avalanche Peak Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Trail up Avalanche Peak
YellowstoneNPS: Summit of Avalanche Peak
YellowstoneNPS: Trail up Avalanche Peak
YellowstoneNPS: Hikers ascending the north side of Electric Peak (4)
YellowstoneNPS: Hikers ascending the north side of Electric Peak (3)