YellowstoneNPS: Bee gathering pollen from a Nuttall's sunflower (Helianthus nuttallii var. nuttallii)
YellowstoneNPS: Lady beetles, Yellowstone Lake
YellowstoneNPS: A robber fly gathers pollen from a dwarf purple monkey flower (Mimulus nanus) near Yellowstone Lake
YellowstoneNPS: Spider webs, Swan Lake Flat
YellowstoneNPS: Butterfly on mariposa lily
YellowstoneNPS: Cecropia moth, Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Cecropia moth
YellowstoneNPS: The wings of a cecropia moth, Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Bee and butterfly
YellowstoneNPS: Grasshoppers
YellowstoneNPS: Dragonfly
YellowstoneNPS: Mormon Cricket
YellowstoneNPS: Water strider on a pond in the Northern Range
YellowstoneNPS: Damselfly larva
YellowstoneNPS: Western White Pontia (Pontia occidentalis)
YellowstoneNPS: Rocky Mountain wood tick - Dermacentor andersoni
YellowstoneNPS: Bumblebee collecting pollen
YellowstoneNPS: Western tent caterpillars (Malacosoma californicum)
YellowstoneNPS: White admiral butterfly (Limenitis arthemis arthemis)
YellowstoneNPS: Fireweed clearwing moth (Albuna pyramidalis) feeding on a spreading dogbane
YellowstoneNPS: Mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) on willow buds
YellowstoneNPS: Pale swallowtail - Papilio eurymedon
YellowstoneNPS: Looking at a beetle on a stick
YellowstoneNPS: Butterfly on buckwheat
YellowstoneNPS: Jacobs-ladder - Polemonium pulcherrimum with a velvet mite (Balaustium sp.)
YellowstoneNPS: A mound of thatching ants (Formica obscuripes)
YellowstoneNPS: Bumblebee collecting food from a flower
YellowstoneNPS: Wasp nest in the willows
YellowstoneNPS: Damselfly (Enallagma spp.) on a pinyon tree
YellowstoneNPS: Pollinators on rabbitbrush